The driving force behind @worldfamilyibiza , decided to decorate her entire house with ourΒ #mandalastencils ππππ

If you're in #IbizaΒ this summer, drop by sometime, you can buy our mandala stencils in her shop π΄π΄π΄
Our beautiful Merel, the owner of worldfamily Ibiza decided to decorate her whole house wit our mandala stencils.

If you're going to #Ibiza: you can shop our products in her shop π΄π΄π΄π΄ #mandalas #mandalapassion #mandalaart #mandalaoftheday #mandalatherapy #mandalazen #bohohome #mandalalove #mandaladoodle #bohemianliving #zenart #mandalapattern #zendala #zendalas #handmademandala #art_gallery #desing #stencill #creative #mandaladrawing #mandalacoloring #pinkaddict #pastelmandala #outdoordesign #ibizastyle #ibiza #mandalastencil #mandalastencils #worldfamilyibiza